Date(s) - 07/16/2017
12:00 am
Massasoit Elks Lodge
The country of Jamaica will celebrate its 55th anniversary of its independence on August 6, 2017. To commemorate this achievement, Celebrate Jamaica, Inc., in collaboration with the Jamaican Diaspora in Boston, is hosting a series of events to showcase Jamaica’s history and rich culture. These events will take place from July 15, 2017- August 12, 2017. Yard Food, Yard Style and Labrish is a Jamaican “yard style” back yard party with authentic home-style Jamaican food, storytelling, island music, and games. The event will be held on Sunday, July 16, 2017 from 2-8pm at the Massasoit Elks Lodge, 55 Bishop Allen Drive, Cambridge, MA 02139. Local Jamaican actress, writer and folklorist Marcia Fearon will share Louise Bennett stories and others are welcome to share Jamaican folkloric stories and other stories. The Hon. Louise Simone Bennett-Coverley, affectionately known as Ms. Lou, is one of Jamaica’s most loved Folklorist, and Writer. Learn more about Ms. Lou here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C181G_s7h-s
While enjoying great Jamaican food, patrons will jam to the tunes of reggae music while competing in the Domino, Jamaican Ludi, and potato sack race competitions. How about some hopscotch and double dutch? There is something for everyone! Tickets are $25 and includes a traditional Jamaican meal and old fashion lemonade. Snacks and alcoholic drinks such as rum punch and sorrel will be for sale.
Jamaica National Day was first celebrated on August 6, 1962 by raising the National Flag which signified the birth of the nation. This auspicious occasion is celebrated every year in Jamaica and 6th day of August is noted as a national holiday in Jamaica. Jamaicans have played an integral part in the development of American politics, music, acting, sports and culture and cuisine. Proceeds from the Jamaica 55 Boston celebration events will support domestic violence prevention initiatives and women’s shelters in Jamaica.