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Date(s) - 09/10/2017
7:00 am to 4:00 pm
Lawrence Municipal Airport
Mark Your Calendar
Sunday, September 10, 2017
A Non-competitive Charity Cycling Event, Fun for All Riding Abilities
On September 10th, a group of cyclists will embark on one of several length rides throughout the Northeast MA and Southern NH portions of New England to raise funds and awareness of Angel Flight NE’s mission.
There is NO fundraising minimum to participate in the “Ride for Angels” charity cycling event. The only requirement is paying the registration fee. However, the main purpose of this event is to raise money for Angel Flight NE. We strongly encourage and hope that people will embrace the intention of this event and do some fundraising. All of the donations given on behalf of these “Road Angels” will benefit Angel Flight NE. Angel Flight Northeast is a non-profit organization that provides free flights in private aircraft by volunteer pilots, for persons who need access to medical care or have other compelling needs. As extra incentive to do some fundraising, we have created three different benchmarks. These benchmarks include $100, $500 and the $1,000 level. Each participant that reaches these benchmarks will be entered into a raffle with some tremendous prizes. To register, please visit: http://www.rideforangels.info/.
Angel Flight NE brings hope and compassion to what can be a difficult time in a person’s life. There is never a charge for an Angel Flight! For more information on Angel Flight NE, visit their website: http://www.angelflightne.org. We encourage you to look at a few videos, read a few stories and truly feel what kind of difference this service is providing. It is truly remarkable! Thank you for being part of such an important event to benefit this charity.
Together, we are “changing lives one mile at a time”.