Enjoy a night of bowling, dining, and meeting new people at our Scholarship Bowling Mixer on October 5th, 2017! - Bowling tickets will include four bowling lanes, shoe rentals, and snacks. - Non-bowling tickets will get you access to the snacks and mingling. The two top bowlers will receive AMC movie...

A Boston Fashion Week must- attend gala event! Help bring a smile to a child in need and join Project Smile for Fashion on Fire, hosted by Erika Tarantal of News Channel 5 Boston Enjoy: Amazing fashion show with top Boston area designers Delicious complimentary appetizers & desserts A complimentary...

Run to help homeless families and individuals! Saturday, October 7, 2017 @ 9:00 am (rain or shine) Certified 5K course with Chip timing Brunch to follow! Register before September 18 for $30 ($35 starting September 18). For more information or to register, visit https://www.somervillehomelesscoalition.org/upcoming-events/road-race/

ABOUT THE RACE: The 6th annual High Five 5K hosted by the Mullet Marathon will take place Saturday, Oct. 7, 2017 at 10 a.m. in Sandwich, Mass. The High Five 5K benefits Family Continuity, a non-profit mental health and social services agency helping families in Cape Cod and throughout Eastern...

THE GATEWAY INVASION 11 artists from Gateway Arts October 7 – 28, 2017 Gateway Arts, a Vinfen service located in Brookline Village, is a non-profit studio art center dedicated to providing individualized, art-based services to adults with disabilities that will enable them to create meaningful lives and careers in art....

https://www.eventbrite.com/e/fence-a-domestic-violence-awareness-event-tickets-37439320014?aff=es2 Black Lipstick Conversations Inc together with Inspiration for Tomorrow Inc are proud to present: F.E.N.C.E. (Freedom, Expression, Nonjudgmental, Courage, Enthusiastic) an event to raise awareness and inform the community of the effects of Intimate Partner Violence and the importance of change, by saving lives. October is Domestic Violence...

The Project Prakash Foundation in partnership with the Longwood Symphony Orchestra invites you to an evening of classical music at Jordan Hall on October 7. Proceeds from the concert will benefit eye care screenings and surgeries for children with low vision and curable blindness in India. Merging a humanitarian need with a scientific quest,...