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Date(s) - 10/19/2017
12:00 am
Hibernian Hall, 184 Dudley St., Roxbury, MA
NECS is gearing up for our 10 Year Anniversary Celebration. For ten years New England Community Services, the respected leader of the Family Stabilization Service contract with the Massachusetts Department of Children and Families (DCF), have been changing the lives of urban youth and their families across the state of Massachusetts by providing the most efficient and intensive mentoring support. This support has pushed our participants to become successful members of their families and communities. Here is your opportunity to join in on the impressive work that we do at NECS. We get results! Join us as we continue climbing the ladder and changing the lives of our future leaders.
The goals for the evening are as follows:
To Raise $100,000 for the launch of The Malchester Reeves Scholarship Fund and The Mentoring Young Adults Program (MYA)
To Increase our visibility throughout the state of Massachusetts
To form key innovative partnerships to expand our reach
To induce and secure ongoing donor relationships, to serve a greater number of at-risk youth
Our primary goal for this Celebration is to raise the necessary funds needed to launch our Mentoring Young Adults (MYA) program. MYA is designed to provide the same intensified support to young adults and children who are involved with DCF. Without MYA our hands are tied. We do not have the freedom to help those who aren’t afforded the same opportunity as our DCF involved clients. Your support is key to solving this problem.
Would you consider donating to help us achieve our mission? If so, please review the packet and support us by committing to one of the sponsorship levels below. I have attached an electronic copy of the packet for your convenience.
Platinum: $4,000.00
Gold: $2,000.00
Silver: $1,000.00
Bronze: $500.00
Here are additional ways that you can show your support:
Buy individual tickets
- Early Bird (Before September 1): $125.00
- General Admission: $150.00
- VIP (Includes the following: Reserved seating; Table service (Including food and beverage service); Automatic entry into the Raffle; Fastlane Service during Cocktail Hour; NECS Swag/Gift to take home with them): $200
Buy advertisement space for the NECS Gala booklet
Donate material and services for our raffle or private auction
Provide in-kind donations
Cover gala expenses
Join us in our endeavors to change the world one youth at a time.