Date(s) - 07/20/2017
6:00 pm to 8:00 pm
Old West Church
Energy storage has massive market potential in Massachusetts. Recent efforts by the state administration aim to make Massachusetts a national incubator and leader in the deployment and use of these innovation energy solutions, by adopting 2020 storage procurement targets by July. Energy storage provides significant benefits for the electrical grid, including clean energy integration, grid reliability and efficiency, and peak demand reduction. But energy storage also has potential to make our local communities more resilient. For states and municipalities, the resiliency benefits of energy storage are becoming increasingly important, as extreme weather increases and grid outages become more frequent and severe.
Over the past five years, Massachusetts has become the national incubator for innovative business solutions to climate change. Climate Action Business Association has developed a free series of reports, Local Emerging Market Reports (LEMR) to offer a spotlight on what we see as further opportunities for leadership in the transition to a carbon-free economy. This event is part of our Local Emerging Market Series in which we focus on specific industries to encourage dialogue within the local industry.
Join Climate Action Business Association and Peregrine Energy Group for a panel discussion to learn about the state’s energy storage target and how we can ensure increasing investment to emerging technologies is targeted to community resilience.
Please register for the event via eventbrite: (https://www.eventbrite.com/e/local-emerging-market-series-energy-storage-tickets-35203367219)