Date(s) - 10/06/2018
1:00 pm to 4:00 pm
Dartmouth Street
Kip Tiernan (1926-2011) left an indelible mark on Boston, her adopted city, through her fearless vision and unyielding commitment to social justice. This fall, a memorial in Boston Back Bay will recognize her contributions toward creating better lives for Boston’s poor and forgotten.
Rosie’s Place, the nonprofit women’s shelter Kip founded in 1974, will dedicate the memorial with a family-friendly, free community event on Saturday, October 6, from 1:00-4:00 pm. Please join us as we celebrate with an afternoon of food, jazz and Rosie’s Place friends–just as Kip would have done. All are welcome!
The installation in mid-September is the culmination of more than six years of planning. The work was designed by Boston architects Ceruzzi & Murphy Projects, fabricated by Whetstone Workshop and installed by Chapman Construction Design Company.
The sculpture is comprised of three stainless steel arches that people can pass under as they walk on Dartmouth Street between Boylston and Newbury Streets. Passages from Kip’s writings are engraved on the columns holding up the arches, making her voice still heard to all who pass by.
Please contact Michele Chausse at mchausse@rosiesplace.org or 617.318.0210 for more information.
Thank you to our funders and in-kind donors Brown Rudnick, City of Boston, Fish Family Charitable Foundation, George B. Henderson Foundation, Howard Stein Hudson, New England Foundation for the Arts and Poor People’s United Fund.