Date(s) - 11/15/2019
6:30 pm to 10:00 pm
Colonnade Hotel
IMPACT Melanoma, a national nonprofit organization dedicated to working to reduce the incidence of melanoma, is hosting their annual Shades of Hope Gala to help raise funds for the organization’s educational awareness programs and initiatives. This year’s event also serve as the 20th anniversary celebration of IMPACT Melanoma.
Shades of Hope will take place on Friday, November 15th at 7:30pm (6:30pm for VIP sponsors) at the Colonnade Hotel – 120 Huntington Ave, Boston, MA.
6:30 pm | VIP Reception for top level sponsors
7:30 pm | General Reception
This year IMPACT welcomes Lacey Adams, wife of current United States Surgeon General, VADM Jerome M. Adams. Lacey will speak to the audience about her own experiences as a melanoma survivor and the importance of IMPACT Melanoma’s existence – specifically in creating awareness of the ill-effects of tanning bed usage which was part of the cause of her own diagnosis.
“I can’t wait to celebrate 20 years with IMPACT Melanoma,” said Lacey Adams. “As a former event planner, I appreciate and love an annual gala! I also am beyond honored to be able to share my personal story with you that evening.
Organizations like IMPACT Melanoma are so important to raise awareness, especially among young people. I am so excited to support their free sunscreen initiatives as well as their invaluable educational programs such as Your Skin Is In, which targets school aged kids. As a fair skinned kid looking to achieve the ever popular “glow” of a tan, I often visited the tanning booth in my youth – a choice I’ve since regretted and work to remedy through outreach that is greatly achieved through the Your Skin Is In initiative as well as the many other important programs IMPACT sponsors. Awareness is key! It is very important that we all know and remember that nobody is immune from skin cancer and melanoma.”
VIP Sponsors get the opportunity to hear Surgeon General, Dr. Adams himself speak about the lessons learned from the CDC’s 2019 Skin Cancer Prevention Progress Report which was recently published in response to the 2014 Surgeon General’s Call-to-Action to Prevent Skin Cancer.
The evening will also feature the presentation of the annual Suzanne Donahue Keeper of the Hope Award, an honor bestowed to an individual or corporation who has made outstanding contributions to the world of melanoma awareness and prevention. Suzanne Donahue lost her battle with melanoma in 2012. She journeyed long and hard, but did so with grace, love of life and hope. It is this passion and inspiration that is recognized through this award. This year’s Keeper of the Hope honoree is Lisa Cohen of StrataDX.
“Each year the Board of Directors of IMPACT Melanoma awards the Keeper of the Hope Award to a member of our IMPACT community whose generosity, vision and commitment to the organization over time is unwavering,” said IMPACT Melanoma Executive Director, Deb Girard. “Lisa Cohen and StrataDX epitomize exactly that. Unwavering commitment and care, just as we are about the work that we do daily. We’re so pleased to present Lisa with this award, and are really looking forward to seeing everyone at our annual Shades of Hope Gala!”
While there is no dress code per se, IMPACT is encouraging patrons to get in the spirit and adorn themselves in in the theme of the event which is a 1920s Gatsby-esque engagement. For examples and further registration and sponsorship information visit:
About IMPACT Melanoma
IMPACT is a national non-profit organization dedicated to working to reduce the incidence of melanoma. Committed to skin cancer prevention and early detection, we provide a variety of award-winning programs which aim to raise awareness and educate the public about skin cancer, as well as support services for those struggling with the disease.