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Date(s) - 05/19/2022
2:00 pm to 3:30 pm
Announcing Awardees of the 2022 BCIL Marie Feltin Award
The Boston Center for Independent Living will present its annual BCIL Marie Feltin Awards in a virtual ceremony on Thursday, May 19 at 2:00 pm to a terrific group of honorees:
• Personal Care Attendants (PCAs) during the Pandemic
• Taciana Ribeiro-Saab of the Boston Center for Independent Living
• Dan Manning of Greater Boston Legal Services
Countless PCAs have provided invaluable service to persons with disabilities during the Covid crisis. We salute all PCAs, who will be represented by Maria Alejandra Alessio, Gwendolyn Brown, and Ruiyi Tan, members of 1199SEIU, the PCA union.
Taciana, a longtime activist for equity and services, is directing BCIL’s new satellite office in Dorchester and has led the organization’s vigorous antiracism efforts.
And Dan has litigated numerous cases with the GBLS team to advance rights and services for low-income people for decades, including the ADA class-action lawsuit against the MBTA.
Contact Susan Smith at ssmith@bostoncil.org for sponsor information. Register at https://bit.ly/2022BCILMarieFeltinAwardCeremony
This event honors individuals and institutions who exemplify the pioneering spirit of the late DR. MARIE FELTIN, a tireless advocate for disabled and chronically ill patients. Marie was a founder of Boston’s Community Medical Group, East Boston Health Center’s Home Care Program and the Urban Medical Group, neighborhood healthcare services that focused on encouraging patients to become actively involved in their care as a critical means to bettering their health. Marie was always available for her patients and was a modern day pioneer in providing medical care to society’s most neglected and vulnerable populations. The ceremony is held in support of BCIL, and as a tribute to Marie’s legacy, which epitomizes BCIL’s mission of empowering individuals with disabilities to take control of their lives and live independently. BCIL promotes the CIVIL RIGHTS of all people with disabilities and our ENERGIZED ADVOCACY and SERVICES support and help create EQUAL ACCESS to healthcare, affordable housing, accessible transportation, and ADA compliance for thousands of Greater Boston residents each year, leading many to jobs, an education, and SELF-SUFFICIENCY for themselves and their families.