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Date(s) - 10/27/2017
7:00 pm to 9:00 pm
725 Albany Street
CelebrAsians is a benefit fashion show presented by AWFH to celebrate the strengths and resiliency of Asian cancer/trauma survivors. They will model the creations of leading Asian designer while the audience learn about their inspiring stories and aspirations.
Join us at the CelebrAsians and Be a champion for Asian women’s health and a supporter of AWFH!
7:30-7:45 Opening Show by Yosi Karahashi/Flamenco Therapy; Welcome Remarks by Dr. Naomi Ko/BMC7:00-7:30 Reception & Silent Auction – Music by Suzuko Yakko/Sushi Planet
7:45-8:00 Fashion Show
8:00-8:20 Intermission; Co-Chairs Remarks & Silent Auction Reminder by Susan Zuker/Conquer Cancer
8:20-8:40 Fashion Show
8:40-9:00 Dance Party