Date(s) - 10/22/2014
12:00 am
The Westin Waltham Hotel
The Alzheimer’s Association, MA/NH Chapter presents the 24th Annual Matthew & Marcia Simons Research Symposium on Alzheimer’s Disease
Since 1991, the annual Matthew & Marcia Simons Research Symposium on Alzheimer’s disease has been the centerpiece of the Alzheimer’s Association’s yearly scientific presentations, highlighting the work of scientists making major contributions to the search for causes, treatments and ultimate cure for Alzheimer’s disease.
What We Have Learned From Studying the Genetics of Alzheimer’s: Shifting the Paradigm to Prevention
Presented by John C. Morris, MD, Harvey A. and Dorismae Hacker Friedman Distinguished Professor of Neurology, Washington University; Director and Principal Investigator of the Charles F. and Joanne Knight Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center
Dr. John Morris, internationally recognized as a pioneer in prevention, will be presenting on his National Institute on Aging research studies. The goal of this research is to identify Alzheimer’s disease in its earliest stages, prior to the onset of any symptoms, so that therapies can be initiated to prevent the occurrence of dementia. Topics will include:
- The lessons being learned from DIAN (Dominantly Inherited Alzheimer’s Network).
- New detection methods for Alzheimer Disease and why they will make a difference.
- Increasing our focus on prevention and current research opportunities.
FREE and open to the public.
6:00 p.m. Coffee & cookie reception
7:00 p.m. Program