Date(s) - 09/30/2020 - 10/04/2020
7:45 pm to 9:00 pm
This is to inform you of a special learning opportunity for your followers: a free online lecture series on the theme of ancient wisdom and its role in making life stress-free, productive and purposeful.
Our speaker is the eminent philosopher from India Sunandaji, daughter-disciple of world- renowned 93 year-old Author and Guru Swami Parthasarathy. Sunandaji will teach us how to be stress-free and productive, while also finding true fulfilment and purpose in life. This knowledge is derived from the ancient eastern philosophy of Vedanta (derived from Veda: Wisdom and Anta: Ultimate).
Given today’s incredibly challenging environment, this series could not have come at a better time. We request you to kindly forward this information to your audiences so they don’t miss this opportunity!
When: September 30 to October 3 2020, 7.30 pm to 8.45 pm EDT
Watch live online. Free Admission.
Register at:
A four-day lecture series. Different topics covered each day so we recommend you attend all four.