Date(s) - 06/16/2017
6:30 pm to 11:00 pm
Irish Social Club of Boston
Ethos will hold its annual West Roxbury Rocks event on Friday, June 16, 2017, from 6:30 p.m. to 11:00 p.m., at the Irish Social Club, 119 Park Street in West Roxbury. The event will feature cocktails, a buffet dinner by Masona Grill, comedy, music, auctions and raffles, and dancing throughout the evening.
West Roxbury Rocks is Ethos’ signature fundraising event. The night is dedicated to raising critical unrestricted support, this annual benefit evening celebrates the wonderful work being done every day to keep seniors healthy, active and living in their community.
10 years ago, Ethos started the AgeWell program with a simple premise: keep seniors active, healthy and living independently in their community.
With your support, and the hard work and dedication of a small but effective collective of staff and volunteers, our AgeWell program has conducted more than 300 individual programs, events and health promotion classes with more than 8300 participants over the past three years alone.
To purchase tickets, please visit www.ethocare.org or call 617-522-6700.